The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture:

"Harlem’s beloved NYPL branch—a research institution, community center, and artistic stronghold dedicated to Black history and thought—dedicates itself as much to historical preservation of Black lives as to present and future activism." --Ryan Daar
The Loveland Foundation:

"The Loveland Therapy Fund provides financial assistance for Black women and girls in the U.S. to access mental health professionals and therapy sessions. It is committed to supporting the mental healing and wellbeing of Black women and girls: therapy sessions can cost anywhere from $80-$200, and Loveland works to ensure that recipients will receive support over a long period of time." --Spencer Grayson
The Black Art Futures Fund:

"The Black Art Futures Fund allocates support to nonprofits dedicated to the future of Black arts and culture." --Sofia Montrone
The Heavenly Angel Project:

"The Heavenly Angel Project supports Black trans women in NYC during the COVID-19 pandemic." --Hanna Andrews
The Center for Afrofuturist Studies:

"The Center for Afrofuturist Studies carries an interest in collage and connections across time and place by supporting and creating dynamic workspaces for artists." --Morgan Levine
The Columbus Freedom Fund:

"I have been donating to the Columbus Freedom Fund which raises money for Columbus protestors’ bail!" --Maddie Woda
The Bail Project:

"The Bail Project is a non-profit that believes that 'paying bail for someone in need is an act of resistance against a system that criminalizes race and poverty'. Donating to this group is a step against mass incarceration and a step towards making sure that whether you are presumed innocent or not will no longer be something you can buy." --Ilina Logani